class fisspy.read.read_factory.raw(filename)
Description: Read raw dataParameters
- file (str) - File name of the raw data file (object frame).
- Read raw object
Read raw data
ViewAttributes Summary
Attributes | Description |
data | Data array. |
header | FITS Header. |
wave | Wavelength array in relative units which is roughly calculated. |
date | Observation date. |
nwv | Number of pixel in wavelength direction. |
ny | Number of pixel in slit direction. |
nx | Number of pixel in scan direction. |
ftype | File type of the input data frame. It is 'raw' in this case. |
filename | input file name. |
cam | Camera inform. Either 'A' or 'B'. |
band | Wavelength band. |
Methods Summary
Methods | Description |
getRaster(wv, hw=0.05) | Get a raster image for a given wavelength. |
imshow(x=None, y=None, wv=None, scale='minMax', sigFactor=3, helpBox=True, **kwargs) | Draw the interactive image for raw data. |
chRasterClim(cmin, cmax) | Change color limit for raster image. |
chSpectroClim(cmin, cmax) | Change color limit for Spectrograph image. |
chcmap(cmap) | Change color map. |
chRaster(wv) | Change raster image for a given wavelength. |
chSpect(x, y) | Change Spectrograph for a given position. |
Methods Documentation
getRaster(wv, hw=0.05)
Description: Get a raster image for a given wavelengthParameters
- wv (float) - Referenced wavelength.
- hw (float) - A half-width of wavelength to be integrated. Default is 0.05
- rasterImage (numpy.ndarray) - Raster Image at given wavelength.
imshow(x=None, y=None, wv=None, scale='minMax', sigFactor=3, helpBox=True, **kwargs)
Description: Draw the interactive image for raw dataParameters
- x (float) - X position to draw a spectral profile. Default is image center.
- y (float) - Y position to draw a spectral profile. Default is image center.
- wv (float) - Wavelength position to draw a raster image. Default is central wavelength.
- scale (str) - Colorbar scale. Default is 'minMax'. Options: 'minMax', 'std', 'log'.
- sigFactor (float) - Factor of standard deviation of the color scale of 'std'.
- helpBox (bool) - Show helpbox for the interactive keys. Default is True.
- **kwargs: matplotlib.pyplot properties
- None - It draw the matplotlib figure.
Note: To use the function correctly, you should change the backend of the matplotlib from inline to any of interactive backend (see here). In IPython you can simply change the backend by using '%matplotlib' magic function.
chRasterClim(cmin, cmax)
Description: Change color limit for raster imageParameters
- cmin (float) - Minimum color limit.
- cmax (float) - Maximum color limit.
- None - Change image color limit.
chSpectroClim(cmin, cmax)
Description: Change color limit for Spectrograph imageParameters
- cmin (float) - Minimum color limit.
- cmax (float) - Maximum color limit.
- None - Change image color limit.
Description: Change color mapParameters
- cmap (matplotlib.pyplot.cmap) - color map
- None - Change color map.
Description: Change raster image for a given wavelengthParameters
- wv (float) - Wavelength position to draw raster image
- None - Change raster image.
chSpect(x, y)
Description: Change Spectrograph for a given positionParameters
- x (float) - X position to draw a spectral profile.
- y (float) - Y position to draw a spectral profile.
- None - Change spectral profile./li>